Industry Innovation: The Accu-link V-Belt

Traditional V-belts are made to length with rubber and  a polyester core. This presents several issues when it comes to stocking and applying these belts. First off, you have to stock a belt for each pulley system that you have (which leads to a lot of inventory). Secondly, premade V-belts can be difficult to install on some pulley systems. 

            On today’s industry innovation, we have the Accu-link. This product from Jason Industrial is a detachable tab link style V-belt. This can be kept on mobile service truck/plants, be made to size (reducing inventory), and cuts down on machine disassembly. It does this by allowing you to feed it through the machine before you attach the last two links. The links roll onto drive pulleys like a chain would.

            The Accu-link still has a polyester core, which allows for strength, longer life, and maximum horsepower but is impregnated with a urethane coating. The Accu-link’s urethane coating is where it differs from traditional V-belts when it comes to the components used to make it. This allows for increased life, durability, oil resistance, and wear resistance. 

            The best benefit of these belts is that they can be used on existing standard pulleys. These belts also have power ratings equal to their traditional counterparts.  We have attached below a video from Jason Industrial on how to use the Accu-link.